Bowen- & Emmett Therapy
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Mind Body Bowen
Mind Body Bowen is a specialty sub-discipline developed by Anne Schubert and Margaret Spicer.
It borrows heavily from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the meridian concept. It is a way of utilising Bowen moves very specifically to identify significant blockages in the body, which result from physical or emotional traumas that got 'frozen' into the body's cells. When a blockage has been located, the related traumatic event is being identified via targeted questioning. Once the right link has been established and the issue is being acknowledged, it very often quite quickly leads to a complete dissolving of the blockage. This can lead to a range of improvements in the quality of life, from a disappearing of previously recurring pain to a fundamental change in thinking / self-perception leading to significant changes in life.
Mind Body Bowen is understood to often be much more effective an approach than doing 'talk-therapy' only, as it is now well established how important body-work is within the context of mental health work. - Refer the relevant information under resources for more background information, or google 'trauma work', PTSD & similar.
Based on personal experience I have to say this is an astounding therapeutic tool for almost everyone. Blockages can disappear very quickly, and once the emotional link has been removed e.g. from negative thinking patterns, it is much easier to shift those negative thinking patterns and replace with positive ones.
I like to express my heart-felt thanks, on behalf of myself and clients who have benefited from this technique, to those two amazing women, who keep traveling Australia (and probably beyond?) to teach this amazing healing method. It well and truly has lifted my level of assisting healing through Bowen to new levels.