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Bowen Therapy commonly benefits my clients in a number of ways.


From better injuries recovery to a significant reduction of stress-symptoms;

improving their well-being & performance in many areas of life.

We are all experiencing stresses throughout life, physical and emotional, small and big.

Mostly we brush things off and 'soldier on' -  ignore or bury the pains and niggles, don't we?


However, the body-mind-system keeps score.


Long term an over-load of unreleased / unresolved stresses will impact on your well-being and performance; leading or contributing to all sorts of physical and mental discomforts, including potentially chronic pains & illnesses, depression & anxiety.


Experience how Bowen Therapy can help you too, to keep the physical and mental stress-load low/er, allowing you to live your life with a higher quality of life; benefiting yourself and those at home, work and play that rely on you.

< because life is a bumpy ride>

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Please note and gracefully work around the fact that

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esp the mobile site is looking very "off", something in the translation from full webpage to mobile page is not working well with this host.


Updates, finalisation and glitch-fixes hopefully achievable by mid-2019.


Thank you for your understanding, and I hope to see you at one of my practice locations soon.


Plants on the Window
Why Bowen?
Working Together
Family at a Beach
Group of Road Bikers

Why Bowen Therapy?

Bowen Therapy can help with most physical and mental dis-eases, as it activates self-healing mechanisms in the body and

also as a matter of course helps re-balance the nervous system.


Hence it can often assist healing the following:


  • Stress / Mental Exhaustion

  • Stiff Neck - Shoulders

  • Back Pain - Sciatia

  • Childbirth (mother & child)

  • Repetitive Stress Injury

  • Sports Injury

  • Rebalance after cast removal

  • Teeth grinding

  • Accident / Whiplash 

  • Anxiety  / PTSD

  • Digestive Issues - IBS / Reflux

  • Sleep Apnea / Asthma

  • Recurring Injury / Chronic Pains

  • Negative thinking loops

  • & much, much more

If any of these, or similar issues bother you,

book an appointment & experience the change Bowen can bring.

The Stories behind the business ...

Here you can read up on ...


... how I ended up working as a Bowen Therapist

... how the name "Barefoot Bowen" came about, and

... why I am so fascinated by Mind Body Bowen & Trauma release work.

What is Trauma?

What do I mean when I talk about  "Trauma",

and why is Early Intervention so important ?



Long term repetitive or high impact sudden physical and mental stresses often lead to imbalances, sub-optimal performances, in our mind-body-systems. Unless we effectively release the stresses imposed on our system; the earlier the better. 


The more stresses we let linger, the more they can and will interact with each other, leading to more complex, less easy to resolve issues (refer to the example 'Bump & Bruises" below.


These issues I in short refer to as 'traumas'.


Many people still associate with the word trauma the aftermath after really terrible events, such as major accidents, threats to life by fellow human beings or natural events. And that is trauma too. However, trauma can come in many forms, small and big, because, life simply is a bumpy ride.


A few examples:


Bumps & Bruises


Given the widespread nature of this, just about everyone will be able to relate to this, when taking a moment to recap your life's bumps and bruises:

Falling off a bike or a ladder and getting bruised, "just a bit of a strain". Days and weeks of being in physical discomfort is leading to compensation patterns in movements. - Repeat a few times.

Years later this can lead to something else being torn or strained because it had already been working at sub-optimal levels for a long time.

Plus, the whole 'system body' can just give under the load. The one new bump being "the straw that broke the camel's back"


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Much better to deal with each bump right away so that the load never reaches back-breaking dimension, is it not?



The birthing process another common field for physical and mental trauma, despite the overwhelming joy of welcoming a new being into the world. Many women just "get on with it" despite a caesarian, forceps births, being induced, rushed, deep tearing and/or feelings of being 'left out' of the whole process in some way - because, gotta look after the little one first and foremost. Right?

Well, thankfully more and more women speak out about the trauma they experience during childbirth that goes beyond the labour that labour is, demanding change in the processes and care, to support and serve them better during this amazing time in our lives.

And an increasing number of women discover and write about how much more nurturing as a mother they can be, in terms of breastfeeding, stress-levels and more when they very consciously have taken time before and after birth to look after their own body and mind health.


Mother and Baby in Autumn

Bowen Therapy can help with the physical healing and readjustment, e.g.the scar tissue reduction, and much needed whole body realignment, as well as the negative mental impacts. From the simple deep relaxation effect the method provides to targeted trauma work.

Death of a Loved One / Severe Illness


Another particularly high impact, and common, mental and often also physical stressor: a loved one dies, suddenly maybe even, or we are diagnosed with, and quickly treated for, a potentially life-threatening or chronic illness - often feeling rushed, out of control. Very often we enter a state of shock.

And many of us find that we are living in a society that is entirely not geared towards coping with this. A few days off work and please keep the rest to yourself and during after hours.
Un/Fortunately the body-mind-system hasn't caught up with the recent developments of modern life yet.


Memorial Candle
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Taking the time to consciously address one's own needs in times like these is important. Even a simple re-balancing of the system as Bowen Therapy provides will be felt as a relief. It might help clear the head and calm the body to be able to make calmer decisions going forward, help processing this kind of trauma. 

All of these are trauma in the sense I understand it, also refer to                      for more information.

Bowen Therapy can help healing the physical scars and misalignments as well as the mental stresses, as the method always incorporates addressing the nervous system.


My approach is to do an initial assessment - which in complex cases often evolves over the first 2-3 sessions, discuss aimed for outcomes, expected progress, possible obstacles and how to address them and timelines on a continuous basis.


I encourage using other traditional and alternative treatment approaches where considered beneficial, or already in place.


Feel like giving Bowen Therapy and my approach to assisting you a go?

Book an appointment & check out my specials. 





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